International Culture Festival

By Lou May 17, 2016

When I was trying to find the gym on the campus I failed completely. Who thought it could be any different? I was in desperate need of a person who could tell me how to find it and I acutally found someone. I came across a sporty looking person and decided to ask her if she’d know where the gym was. She smiled and said it would be quite complicated to explain and it’d be easier if she’d just guide me and my friend to the gym. THANK GOD for sending me her I thought.

The gym was located in a large building before the courtyard, downstairs. WHO THE HECK THOUGHT I COULD’VE ACTUALLY MANAGE TO FIND THAT? The next days we were texting a little and we decided to meet a week later so I have time to recover and we would’t have to cope with crowded places due to the public holidays. We were talking nicely while waiting on the bus and driving to Wudaokou (五道口) to the Beijing Language University (北京语言大学BLCU) where an international culture festival took place.

Impression from the International Culture Festival

The festival was held on the sports ground and there were lots and lots of people from all sort of countries. The stands, organized by students showed all the curiosities that nation had to offer and some people were wearing traditional clothes as well. I was so happy that I was brought here and enjoyed looking around and seing all those people from all over the world. Unfortunately it was so corwed that you couldnt really get in the stands and take a closer look but looking from a little distance was better anyways as I don’t like crowded places on hot days. I was happily taking photos of everything I was interested in and she patiently let me do so.

Lou at the International Culture Festival

After walking over the ground for two times we decided to go to have Lunch at this Malaysian restaurant. We met some other friends of her who were all really nice and she reminded them to talk chinese with me so that I can practice. So cool. We had to wait some time before we got a table but I didn’t mind it at all as I had good breakfast and was happy to get to talk with them.

After the food we walked over the festival another time but as it was so hot in the sun and a sports grounds obviously doesn’t provide too much shade we decided to stay in the shaded places which were very rare and took some selfies before we headed off in search of somthing that would cool us down a little.

Impression from the International Culture Festival

We went for something to cool us down and I had myself an iced choclate and the two girls had a matcha-green-tea milkshake. As you all know, sadly I’m not that kind of perosn who happily tries all sorts of new food kinda stuff but Chuo Han friendly asked me to try that milkshake, so I did. What shall I say? It was sooooo tasty and suddendly I was kinda sad that I had invested my money in an inced choclate and not in that awesome milkshake.

Impression from the International Culture Festival

Happily drinking the milkshake and chatting we walked to the basketball court were the festival assosiated matches took place. We watched her friends play and talked about different things but unfortunately my mind was drifting away to my apartment which was waiting for me to be put back into sort of a humanly place before my roommates would arrive. As I don’t have a good pokerface the girls recognized quite quickly that somthing was turning down my mood and I told them that I’d probably had to go soon to get that mess ayway I was producing during my „single“-time. They said they’d understand it and I felt a little bad leaving them but I had no option to make up my mind and happily run around when a whole lot of work was waiting at home.

When I came back home I was so exhausted; emotionally and the heat gave me sort of a dizzy feeling as (of corse) I didn’t pay attention on drinking enough. I saw the mess but felt so sleepy and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up I was struck by a heart attack: firstly because of the mess in the living room and secondly because of the time which was left before the others would come back home. So I had to spend the last couple of hours with reorganizing, tidying up and swinging the vacuum cleaner all around to fight the „single“ way of life I was living for that past week. Damn me…