Student's Life

Hutongs and Nanluo Guxiang

Last day before the holidys. Everyone was very excited – except me. I was just happy not to lay in bed but instead attending class for the first time that week.

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Aimun (Asian International Model United Nations)

AIMUN (Asian International Model United Nation) ist he second important MUN in the world (right behind the MUN in New York City).

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A Stroll Through Nanluo Guxiang

During summer semester 2015, students of the course Lüyou yu Dili 旅游与地理 were asked to create short presentations about Nanluo Guxiang 南锣鼓巷.

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Excursion to Yanjing Brewery and Shilinxia

On 23 May 2014 in the morning a group of 19 German and Danish students, together with a large group of students from Thailand, Korea and Japan, who also currently study at Peking University’s School of International Studies, set out for the Yanjing Brewery and Shilinxia Scenic Area.

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Excursion to Baway Education

In October 11 students from Vienna and Würzburg visited the Baway Education school in Beijing. Baway Education is a vocational school, situated in the Haidian District of Beijing, where students are taught practical skills.

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Language Partners

The section Student’s Life has been updated with information on the language partner programme, which the ECLC is running in cooperation with Peking University.

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Site Updated Information Excursions

The section Students’ Life has been updated with more information on excursions and field trips organized by the ECLC-bureau. A rich-cultural programme, composed of excursions and field trips, that all students who stay at ECLC may participate in, is organized each semester, including destinations such as Datong, Chengde, Xi’an, and the Great Wall.

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Students Get Awarded at Mun Wuhan

At the end of May a group of five ECLC-students took part in the Second Model United Nations Conference (MUN) at Wuhan University, winning ‘Best Position Paper Award’ and three ‘Best Delegate Awards’, as well as the ‘Honorable Delegation Award’ as representatives of Peking University.

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Site Updated With New Section Students Life

The website has been updated with a new section, called Students’ Life. This section shall give an insight into the life of ECLC-students, including reports on living in Beijing and at Peking University, extra-curricular activities and excursions, many of them contributed by current and former ECLC-students.

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