A Late Spring Visit to the Drum Tower

On a sunny Friday in late spring 2018, Danish and German students from the ECLC gathered in the district around one of Beijing’s many ancient landmarks: the Drum Tower. At 13:30, the bells of the Drum Tower heralded a relaxing afternoon for the students who are in the seventh week of studying Chinese language at Peking University.

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Eclc Student Wins Award at 2018 Aimun

Eleven students from Aarhus and Würzburg University participated in this year‘s Asian International Model United Nations (AIMUN) conference. The highly anticipated annual event took place from March 29th to April 1st. The students are currently enrolled at Peking University for their compulsory semester abroad of their Chinese Studies Bachelor‘s programme. In addition to their coursework, they thoroughly prepared for their role of representing a designated country in multilateral talks and discussions. Every year our European students proactively take part at AIMUN to engage with international students and learn about foreign affairs.

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Office Hours for 2018 Summer Term Updated

The office hours for the 2018 summer semester have been updated. The programme director (PD) Mu Zhaohui will be in office on the following days:

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Annual Eclc Meeting Held at Aarhus University

The annual meeting of the ECLC board was held from 15 to 16 February 2018 at Aarhus University’s Department of Global Studies in Aarhus, Denmark. This year’s participants were: Mette Thunø and Zhang Chun (Aarhus University), Rune Svarverud and Chieh-ting Lin (University of Oslo), and Michael Leibold, Immanuel Spaar and Florian Thünken (University of Würzburg). The finances of the fiscal year 2017/18 were reviewed and accepted and the new budget for the year 2018/19 was approved by all members. Development of the ECLC curriculum and teaching materials as well as further cooperations between the three European institutions were discussed and desided upon.

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2017 Summer Semester Is Over

From 10 to 14 July all Danish and German students in the ECLC Programme took their final exams, mostly with very good results. Students received their grades and official certificates on 14 July afternoon. We hope all students enjoyed their stay in Beijing at the Peking University, its School of International Studies and the ECLC Programme, and that all students may now relax and find some time to travel around China, before returning home.

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Excursion to Qufu

In June 2017 students from Denmark and Germany went on a two-day excursion to Confucius’ hometown Qufu in Shandong province. Below you will find three accounts from students who took part in the excursion as well as five Chinese essays on the excursion.

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Eclc Students Receive Sis Scholarships

This summer semester’s competition for the SIS scholarships was held on 8 June 2017. A group of Danish and German students who study at the ECLC programme participated in a Chinese language competition, of whom six Danish and five German students were awarded a scholarship.

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Annual Eclc Meeting Held in Wuerzburg

The annual ECLC meeting was held from 23 to 24 February 2017 at the Institute of East and South Asian Cultural Studies, Sinology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany. The participants were: Mette Thunø (Aarhus University), Rune Svarverud and Chieh-ting Lin (University of Oslo), Björn Alpermann, Roland Altenburger, Michael Leibold and Florian Thünken (University of Würzburg). Duringt the meeting last year’s finances were reviewed, the budget for the upcoming year was decided upon, and matters regarding operation of the ECLC programme at PKU, e.g. modifications of the teaching curriculum and materials, questions of exam organization, housing and excursions, were discussed.

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Eclc Welcomes New Students to Summer Term 2017

The European Chinese Language and Culture Programme at Peking University (ECLC) welcomes all students who will be studying with us during the summer semester 2017. During this semester students from Aarhus University, Denmark and University of Würzburg, Germany will be learning Chinese at the ECLC. We hope you will enjoy your time at Peking University and that you will make great advances in your Chinese language studies.

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First Sis Scholarships for Eclc Students

On 30 June 2016 a first batch of Peking University School of International Studies Scholarships for ECLC students were granted to six students who stayed at Peking University during the 2016 summer semester. The scholarships, worth RMB 17,500 in total, were awareded to three Danish and three German undergraduate students, who participated in a Chinese language competition. Altogether eleven students competed for the SIS Scholarships.

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